AGAnywhere 2020

myON members get access to free registration for the virtual AGA congress 2020 including the CME points. Join the AGAnywhere group on myON to receive the access code

September 17 – 19, 2020 (5:30 to 10 pm CET)


ON/AGA Orthoregeneration Session: Stem Cells for Cartilage and Osteoarthritis

September 18, 08:30 pm CET

Stem Cells in orthopedics: How do stem cells contribute to tissue regeneration and what are we talking about – Different sources. Laura di Girolamo

Potential applications and challenges for the use of MSC in sports orthopedics – clinical aspects. Lior Laver

Cell Therapy for Osteoarthritis: Clinical Evidence and personal experience. Peter Verdonk

MSC for Osteoarthritis – the American Perspective. Brian Cole

More information

Stem Cells in orthopedics

Stem Cells in orthopedics: How do stem cells contribute to tissue regeneration and what are we talking about – Different sources. Laura di Girolamo